Kylar Black - Game Designer / Level Designer
Kylar Black is a game designer and level designer from Texas.
Kylar Black has been playing games for most of his life. Growing up, he would spend a lot of free time drawing world maps or level maps imagining if they were real levels in a game. These would eventually carry into online games where he would design a level within a game like Minecraft or Roblox, giving him the creative freedom to make whatever he wanted. He would use Minecraft to create sets for animations by building them in game for later exports, even creating some level like parkour builds in Minecraft for his friends. (Mainly as a way to keep them out of his base.) He would later go on to make a few maps for Portal 2 that can be downloaded from the Steam Workshop.
Now he primarily works in the Unity engine working on personal projects.
Skills: Level Design, Story Writing, Game Testing
Game Engines: Unity
Art Software: Blender, Photoshop, Krita, Autodesk 3ds Max
Languages: C#, Swift
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